New 325A EVN Road, Near Vadivu Subramaniam Mandapam, Erode - 638009
Mon - Sat : 07.00 AM - 07.00 PM

Degenerative canal stenosis
முதுகு தேய்மான நரம்பு அழுத்தம்

Disc Prolapse
தண்டுவட ஜவ்வு அழுத்தம்

Cervical Disc Prolapse & stenosis
கழுத்து நரம்பு பிரச்சனைகள்

About Us

Why You Should Trust Us? Get Know About Us!

Our Hospital is a new, dedicated facility conveniently located in the heart of Erode City, Tamilnadu offering best possible remedy for curing pain. It has a state-of-the-art procedure suite enabling most procedures to be performed on the premises.

30 years of clinical experience in open spine surgery, troma, joint replacements and 10 years of clinical experience in specialized endoscopic spine surgery

Quality health care

Endoscopy Trained & Qualified surgeon

Medical Research Professionals


Health Care Solutions

Spine surgery

Spine surgery involves the physical removal, repair, or adjustment of spinal structures to treat injuries, diseases.

Spine Endoscopy

Endoscopic spine surgery, also called ESS, is a more advanced, state-of-the-art form of minimally invasive spine surgery under constrative relative analgesia.

Endoscopic Disc Surgery

This is an invasive surgical procedure used by surgeons to remove herniated disc materials Under fully local anesthesia.

Endoscopic Decompression

Surgery that allows the surgeon to decompress the spinal nerves in the preservity mobility with < 1cm avoiding screws rod cage & fusion.

Cervical Neck Procedure

Surgical intervention through neck procedures is usually are done to treat the problems in surgery spine like acute disc prolapse, stenosis & mylopathy

Back pain Hip & procedure

It is an ultra minimally invasive surgical procedure that effectively relieves chronic low back and leg pain using facet blocks median branch block, Lateral recess block & transforaminal epidural steroid injection


Why Choose Us

30 years of clinical experience in open spine surgery, troma, joint replacements and 10 years of clinical experience in specialized endoscopic spine surgery







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Spine surgeon


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